Pantone Color of The Year 2022

... and the Pantone Color of The Year 2022 is...  PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri !

Pantone Color of The Year 2020: Very Peri
Pantone Color of The Year 2020: Very Peri

According to Pantone, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri encompasses the qualities of the blues, yet at the same time possesses a violet-red undertone. Displays a spritely, joyous attitude and dynamic presence that encourages courageous creativity and imaginative expression.

Pantone Color of The Year 2020: Very Peri
Pantone Color of The Year 2020: Very Peri

Lets see more information about how can we work with this color.

Very Peri Color data

Pantone: 17-3938 TCX Very Peri
HEX: #6667ab
sRGB: 102 103 171
L*a*b*: 45.75, 12.21, -36.75
CMYK (aprox.): 40 40 0 33

Color Harmonies

Pantone "Very Pery" color harmonies:  Analogous, Complementary, Monochromatic and Split Complementary
Analogous, Complementary, Monochromatic and Split Complementary

Pantone "Very Pery" color harmonies: Triadic and Tetradic
Triadic and Tetradic


Pantone Very Peri color shades: Hue
Pantone Very Peri color shades: Hue

Pantone Very Peri color shades: Saturation
Pantone Very Peri color shades: Saturation

Pantone Very Peri color shades: Lightness
Pantone Very Peri color shades: Lightness

Suggested color palettes with Pantone Very Peri

color palettes with Pantone "Very Pery"
Complementary palette, of warm and cool tones, with Very Peri being intensified in the middle of all others

color palettes with Pantone "Very Pery"
For timeless sophistication, Very Peri is the happiest and warmest of all blue hues, with a palette of classics and neutrals

color palettes with Pantone Very Peri
Very Peri surrounded by fun colors 

color palettes with Pantone "Very Pery"
Harmonious blend of nature-infused shades

Check for more color palettes with Pantone Very Peri.

